The Academy engages in many different international collaborative efforts. Fellows travel to various countries to participate in programs that address existing needs of the local bar, judiciary, and communities. Here are some recent examples:
- Fellows instructed judges in Uganda on case management and alternative dispute resolution, constructed a safe house for victims of domestic violence, and provided funding for medical equipment to a community hospital.
- IATL provided programming in Israel on advances in courtroom technology.
- Fellows visited Mongolia to provide mock trial demonstrations to support the improvement of its legal profession and judicial system.
- IATL constructed a dormitory in the Berber region of Morocco to enable girls to attend school beyond sixth grade.

Latin American Initiatives
IATL engages in numerous initiatives in Latin America. Fellows recently traveled to Mexico, Argentina, and Chile to meet with local attorneys and judges to generate a stronger Academy presence in the region. We also have an active volunteer program to virtually assist asylum seekers at the U.S./Mexico border, and an in-person program is in development.

The Ireland Program
The IATL Ireland Program is an attorney exchange program between Ireland and the United States. Young Barristers from Ireland and Northern Ireland attend IATL’s Annual Meeting and spend a week in the homes of Fellows to learn about legal systems and advocacy from seasoned trial attorneys. For over a decade, the Ireland program has promoted the rule of law, encouraged understanding amongst the Irish people, endorsed the survival of common law in Europe, and provided young Irish Barristers with the opportunity to gain legal inspiration from Academy Fellows.